I just can't help myself.
I love politics. I grew up with politics.
I have a political science degree, okay.
I think it's fascinating how so many people can have so many varying and contradicting opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints on how things should be done or how to better the American people.
But what I love most about politics is that it has one thing in common.
It evokes emotion in people.
It makes me so angry at times I want nothing more than to throw the bowl of popcorn at the tv. I get so nervous during key votes that so deeply affect our Country that I bite off all 10 fingernails (a bad habit, I know). I love walking door to door and holding a sign in the pouring rain on election day because I so deeply believe in the candidate and what they have to offer. I get so disappointed when the person I cast a vote for didn't win because I truly believed they were the best person for the job. I love the knots in my stomach on election day when you wonder if everything you did will have been enough after you've crossed the finish line and the polls are closed. I love the excitement and energy in a room when the results are coming in and it's even better than what you hoped for.
But most of all, I love the pride that comes along with all that. We all feel different things in each of those moments, but I believe that the key factor which ties us all together is pride. I love my Country and in the midst of all the who's who and pointed fingers, I still have pride in the red, white, and blue.
We know what it means to be an American because we are one. Even in light of the government shutdown, I see stories and photos like this and my heart swells with pride. Pride for my dad, the man who helped raise me and has taught me so much. Pride for the World War II Veterans who were so brave and gave so much to this Country we all love something fierce. Pride for the people cheering them on because they understand what it means. What it represents. What it signifies to the Veterans, the youngest 85, and their families who made the journey with them.
Shutdown or No shutdown, we can all understand the rule breaking in one of today's breaking headlines... Mississippi veterans defy shutdown to visit WWII monument...
But there's one more headline I want to point out today.
October 1st officially begins my list of upcoming countdowns!
3 days...Jesus Culture. Bath, UK.
4 days...All things Jane Austen tour.
27 days...I don't know about you, but I might
be feelin' 22.
A belated birthday and celebratory sweets in Paris with my mom and dad is the cherry on top for the month of October. I can't think of a better weekend to spend in Paris and I can't think of better people to spend it with.
So, thanks to the two most important people in my life for always encouraging me to dream big and to do my best. Thanks for the lessons you've taught me the past 21 years. Thanks for being there to support me, encourage me, and love me even when I was too stubborn to put on the dress for church during those 'play in the lake, fish with the boys, bring frogs in the house formative years' and too stubborn to say I was sorry when an apology was due. Thanks for all the night night prayers as a child, loaning your shirtsleeve as a kleenex, and for still pretending I can fit in your laps.
Here's to all the gelato and croissants we're going to eat and the miles we're going to walk.
And here's to all the hugs I can't wait to give you both in 30 short days!!
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