Sunday, October 13, 2013

Go Green

Yet again, I'm quite a bit overdo on an update. And yet again, I had last Friday off making for an extra long weekend and I was determined to have a bath blast. 

I just randomly happened to check the dates of the Jesus Culture UK Tour and it just so happened that the Bath, UK One Night was on the 4th, the day I had off. I flew into Bristol Friday morning, hailed a checkered cars cab for some right side driving on the left side of the road and made my way down the narrow, winding roads lined with brownstone cottages donning 3 and 4 smoke-filled chimneys to Bath. It didn't take long to notice how green everything was. I chuckle to myself when I think about it because I'm in a place called Bath and there are showers nearly everyday. So naturally it would be, huh? It was beautiful. I loved the rolling hillsides that looked like a patchwork quilt with grazing cows, the grey, hazy skies, and the tree formed canopy over the streets. Everything about it was perfect.

As for the reason I made the trip in the first place, the Jesus Culture concert was unbelievable. Every worship experience is unique, but there's something so special about corporate worship with hundreds of young people from all over the world coming together to encounter the Lord and who desire to be the light in the dark world we live in. It was a sweet reminder that we are given a time of encounter so that we can be an encounter to others. Not to be left out were Steve and Dorrine who let me snag the seat next to them on the 2nd row of the seats, I tell you!

Saturday it was all about Jane Austen. A tour dedicated to all things Jane makes for a happy Maggie. Two of Austen's novels, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were set in Bath and as we were led down the present day version of the same streets Austen walked and saw the places in which her fictional characters socialized on a daily basis, I half expected to see Mr. Darcy himself. I know, wrong novel...a pity!

Though it was a quick trip and my camera stayed in my bag most of the time due to drizzly weather, here's what I managed to capture when the rain took a break. 

I told you it was grand green!!

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